Winds of Dune

"Here is a rich background (and foreground) for the Dune Chronicles, including scholarly bypaths and amusing sidelights.  Some of the contributions are sure to arouse controversy, based as they are on questionable sources.  Others round out long speculation.  Specialists have had their field day here with problems geological, biological, astronomical, and mystical, with pronunciations, major biographies, histories and accounts of little-known figures.  The range of topics is catholic: cf. from games for amusement to games of life and death (Cheops or Pyramid Chess to 'The Assassins' Handbook').

"The history of the Financial Synod which spawned CHOAM gets its first airing in these pages.  In fact, many secrets hidden in the Dune Chronicles are answered here.

"How did Irulan first gain and then arouse the displeasure of Ghanima?  Who was Jehanne Butler and why does the Butlerian Jihad carry her name?  What are the hidden origins of the Spacing Guild?  Where did spice-trance navigational technique develop?  What was Leto II's private opinion of Holy Sister Quintinius Violet Chenoeh?  Does Cheops have something in common with the three-body problem?

"I must confess that I found it fascinating to re-enter here some of the sources on which the Chronicles are built.  As the first 'Dune Fan,' I give this encyclopedia my delighted approval."

Frank Herbert
Port Townsend, WA
November, 1983

Frank Herbert

Sample entries:
Butlerian Jihad

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