This is the cover to the April 25, 2015 Parish Bulletin – see also
The Face of the Man on the Shroud of Turin “unveiled,” and touched up to reveal what that “Man” would have looked like in life without the disfiguring wounds of the torture and crucifixion which killed him. It was discovered accidentally when the relic of the Holy Shroud was first photographed in 1898 that the image of the crucified man is an exact negative image. The photographer Secondo Pia was astonished to find the negatives in his darkroom were the face and body of the Man. The pious belief of Christians over the centuries that this relic is the actual burial shroud of Jesus Christ, retrieved by His disciples from the empty tomb on Easter Sunday, has been corroborated by the evidence of scientific investigations done on the Shroud since the 1898 discovery.
This is the cover to the April 25, 2015 Parish Bulletin – see also